Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Use NaNoWriMo to Make More Money Next Year

Generating online income has never been easier, as people everywhere are using the Internet to earn a great living or pick up a much needed side salary to make a better life for themselves and their families.

The Internet offers a great way to create a productive, thriving business for both those who stay at home and those who don?t. Moms, the disabled, even dads who want to earn extra income use the web to bring in extra cash.

From aggressively paying off bills and getting ahead of the debt, to building a nest egg or simply improving your quality of life by selling services or products your audiences need, there have never been more ways to make a terrific online income.

Building a successful business online means having a website with practical content, or an ebook you can put on Amazon Kindle to both sell, and build your authority on your niche.

Yes, that?s how many online businesses are built, and yes, that?s a ton of writing.

In today?s market, if you?re not a natural writer, you may be paralyzed by the thought of writing for an online audience. There?s pressure knowing the wrong words can ruin your attempt to build a business.

Struggling with finding the words, and getting them down in the right order can be painful, especially when self-doubt keeps telling you you?re not good enough to write that ebook you?d love to sell, and that plenty of readers would want to buy.

The Internet has made it so that anyone can be an entrepreneur and start a business that earns them a fair second income, the one they?ve been trying to find forever. But it does mean getting down to business and creating the content.

Maybe you don?t want to build a business, but you have a novel you?d love to get out of your head and on to Amazon. Terrific, but you still have to write that ebook or manuscript.

You want to write and build your online empire, but because you have no idea where to start, you never do. Your ideas simply sit in your head until they die, never making it to the page. Your business will never get started like that. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) can help.

NaNoWriMo is more than an annual gimmick used to trick writers into getting their words on the page, it?s a way to boost your income by getting that ebook out, the ebook your future customers need and are willing to pay for. NaNoWriMo helps you get over your fear.

Whether you?re going to finally finish that novel you?ve been dreaming about, or you?re going to write that awesome ebook that tells how to do X, without losing Y, then you must know who you?re writing to, what you want to say, what proof you need to provide (so your book has credibility), and how you?re going to say it.

Do your homework. Plan your outline. Add your research. Then, you?re ready. And if you don?t make it in November, stage your own NaNoWriMo as soon as you can.

Sign up at the NaNoWriMo website. On November first, you?ll start with millions of other writers. The spirit of NanoWriMo isn?t to write the best book in the world, it?s to get your ideas out as fast as you can.

By writing fast during NaNoWriMo, you?ll produce very rough work. That?s okay, it?s what you?re supposed to do. NaNoWriMo gives you the head start, and the constant kick you need to get something done you might not otherwise finish.

Once the month is over and the writing?s done, you can spend on a quality edit. December?s for getting an editor to look over your copy, help you to polish before you publish.

Within a couple of months, you?ve generated an income building asset that you can publish to on Amazon or post on your website. Your business can get started before the new year!

Plan your strategy right, and you could have a valuable ebook that will earn you a steady stream of customers and income.

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